Exam Notification
SSR Cycle-II 2024 Durga Mahavidyalaya, Raipur
Academic Rules

To maintain the college discipline students should follow the following rules and regulations ....

  • It is customary the students must maintain their behavior and character according to the reputation of college.
  • It is prohibited to take money or advertisement from out side in the name of college or student union. If any one found to be violated this ,must be punished under the in disciplinary act of college.
  • Students being advised not to engage any illegal activities like violence, religious terrorism, bad addicted habits etc. If any one found to be violated this, they may be rusticated from college.
  • The respective students will be responsible for the cleanness and security of college building, library, practical lab etc. To put any banner or advertisement inside college also come in the in disciplinary act of college.
  • Principal keeps all rights to punish the student from the college due to any one of these causes ..
    • In disciplinary
    • Absenteeism
    • Fee dues
    • Raging
  • It is mandatory to keep I Card in college. If any student not able to show I card during routine checking, college authority will charged fine Rs 20 against the respective candidate. If same incident is repeated on similar candidate, then fine amount will be Rs 30. Put your recent passport size photograph in I card. In case I card lost or damaged new I card will be issued after submitting affidavit latter with fees Rs 50.
  • It is mandatory for student to keep vehicles in collage stand. If any one keeps their vehicle out side the stand then college authority will charged fined against respective candidate. If any vehicles lost from out side of stand then college won’t responsible for that incident.
  • There are separate class rooms available for boys and girls. If any student uses those class rooms in vacant period, or roam inside college campus without any motive, may be punished for breaking the discipline.
  • If student have to face any kind of odd circumstances or they want to do something new , then they are advised to submit written application to principal.
  • It is mandatory for the student to attend their schedule classes.

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