Exam Notification
SSR Cycle-II 2024 Durga Mahavidyalaya, Raipur
Vision & Mission

The Vision of Durga Mahavidyalaya is to reach, educate, inspire, and nurture today’s generation. The college provides inclusive education for inculcating human values and professionalism to all sections of students.
Present era is the era of challenges and one of the major issues today is to build up an excellent career. Durga Mahavidyalaya aspires to prepare the students to face the challenges of new era. Its signature line is "Vidya Dharmen Shobhate" wherein all the efforts and resources are directed to fulfill the need of constructive yet advanced learning for both personal upliftment and professional enhancement.


1. Durga Mahavidyalaya firmly commits to academic excellence of the students.

2.To equip and empower students, especially from the socio-economically backward families with updated knowledge, competence and creativity to face global challenges.

3. To avail opportunities to the students for their mental, physical growth and development of ethical values and culture.

4. To impart value-based and value-added education to breed socially responsible and self- confident citizens for the future.

5. To prepare the students not only to accept challenges but also to enable them to lead good and contended life.

6. To provide total learning environment in the campus.

7. To evolve innovations in teaching-learning, research and extension activities to achieve national standards.

8. To generate consciousness of our national heritage, culture and value system along with the rational temper well aware of issues related to human rights and environment.

9. To realize the constitutional goal of equality through education to all, irrespective of caste and creed.

10. To promote women’s education and eradication of illiteracy.

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